Ones Technology started to develop edge artificial intelligence solutions related to access control security through the open sourced OpenVINO platform developed by Intel.
The software developed through deep learning models defined as Open Visual Analogy and Neural Net Optimization is ensured to perform in a fast, efficient, and effective way on end platforms.
Aiming to develop numerous innovative and artificial intelligence-based devices through OpenVINO in 2022, Ones Technology succeeded to develop the first identity verification device based on artificial intelligence, BioAffix Gate Vision face recognition device. Intel Realsense module equipped with image processor, depth and tracking monitors was used for the production of a face recognition based verification device developed by Ones Technology.” Unlike other AI environments, BioAffix Gate Vision, developed through OpenVINO, does not use more than one tool, and is performance-oriented thanks to the flexible and advanced architecture of the platform. Thanks to the scalable structure of the platform, the artificial intelligence-based software can easily be used for new devices planned to be produced soon. This situation drives OpenVINO to be preferable.

What is Intel OpenVINO?

OpenVINO is an open source optimization tool. OpenVINO can be defined as a tool set dividing and optimizing AI (Artificial Intelligence) inferences. OpenVINO can perform with many computer vision and deep learning models through its Model Optimizer and Inference Engine. Developing applications including high performance computer vision and deep learning inferences becomes easier thanks to OpenVINO.”