The personnel development and client information platform of Ones Technology, known as “Ones Academy,” has been officially registered. At the onset of this year, Ones Technology initiated the Ones Academy Project, which constitutes a component of its medium to long-term growth strategy. The organization has unified the training initiatives, meticulously designed and executed for each department, under the Ones Academy framework. Ones Technology commenced the brand registration procedure for this initiative and has successfully finalized the registration process.
Ones Technology persistently fulfills the educational requirements of its workforce through initiatives aimed at augmenting expertise and experience, whilst simultaneously responding to training inquiries of the BioAffix ecosystem from both customers and distributors within the Ones Academy framework.
Board member Güçlühan Kuzyaka underscored that their progressive strategies transcend mere platitudes, referencing the Ones Academy Project as a paramount example of this dedication.
Some prominent points from Güçlühan Kuzyaka’s discourse on the matter:
From its establishment, our organization has prioritized internal educational initiatives, concurrently bolstering its R&D activities. The initiatives undertaken by Ones Academy play a crucial role in enhancing the competence of our workforce in practical applications by enabling the sharing of knowledge through training. Moreover, the assimilation of new teams during our growth phases is expedited more efficiently than anticipated, owing to the training schemes implemented at Ones Academy.
Through initiatives focused on the BioAffix brand, we have reached a broad customer portfolio. The level of satisfaction among our customers is also progressing significantly. A contributing factor to this satisfaction is the educational programs we offer through Ones Academy. Upon request, we deliver practical training to our customers’ technical teams across various domains, encompassing infrastructure and device upkeep as well as system installation and integration methods. These educational sessions have been incorporated into the operations of Ones Academy. Following their training with our knowledgeable teams, we award our clients the “BioAffix Expertise Certificate,” which facilitates a common technical language. This not only expedites the completion of the projects we undertake but also enables us to collaboratively address any potential challenges, maintaining our customer satisfaction levels above the norm.