Integrated Physical and Cyber Security Solutions

In today’s complex and constantly threatened digital environments, approaches adopted to ensure security are based on the principle of not trusting any user or device by default, unlike traditional security models. In this approach, every user, device, and connection point must be continuously verified and monitored. This approach, known as Zero Trust (Zero Trust Network), not only covers digital environments but also encompasses physical security.

This is because physical security plays a significant role in preventing cyber threats and attacks. If the physical security of a premises is weak, attackers can gain physical access and compromise the network. Similarly, when cybersecurity measures are not taken, attackers can jeopardize physical security by exploiting digital vulnerabilities.

The tight relationship between physical security and cybersecurity necessitates a holistic approach to security. To deal with digital threats, sabotage attempts, and intelligence activities, digital and physical security measures must be addressed together. The approach adopted by Ones Technology, which integrates monitoring and control processes with access and continuity control infrastructure, is highly successful in eliminating security risks.

In this approach, personnel physically present on the premises can only access authorized locations and data. When personnel leave the premises, their access rights are frozen, preventing unauthorized access. In this approach, which eliminates all security vulnerabilities, the authorizations held by personnel, and the digital and physical environments they can access, are safeguarded to prevent transfer to unauthorized individuals.

There are many advantages to solutions aimed at providing integrated physical and cybersecurity.

High-Security Level

Her kullanıcı ve her cihaz için sürekli olarak doğrulama ve izleme sağlayarak daha yüksek bir güvenlik seviyesi sunar.

Yüksek Verimlilik

Saldırı girişimlerine karşı daha hızlı tepki verilmesi sağlanarak organizasyon verimliliği artırılır.

Esnek Altyapı

Yazılım desteğiyle her olasılığa göre farklı senaryolar düzenlenebilir. Büyüme ve genişleme durumlarında kolayca ölçeklenebilir.

İzleme ve Raporlama

Entegre altyapı, yüksek öncelikli tesislere giriş-çıkış aktivitelerini izler, analiz eder ve raporlar. Sistemin, olası tehditleri hızlı bir şekilde tespit ve bertaraf etme yeteneğini artırır.

Infrastructure of Integrated Physical and Cyber Security

The infrastructure must work in integration with access control devices supported by biometric templates and advanced encryption protocols. It should also be supported by I/O modules that provide secure communication, as well as management and monitoring software that allows everything to be easily managed from a single point.

Management and Audit Software

Management and audit software enables the centralized management and supervision of the access control system from a single point. These advanced software solutions effectively enhance organizational efficiency by controlling entry-exit mobility and regulating the authorization processes of individuals.

Secured Communication Modules

These devices are advanced modules used to control and facilitate the opening and closing of a door, regulating entry or exit from an area.

Access Control Panels

Access Control Panels are crucial for facilities to have verification devices supporting various biometric types such as fingerprint, facial recognition, iris, retina, palm vein, and other contactless smart card technologies, considering the needs that may arise in the facilities.