Ones Technology continues prioritizing social events, a substantial part of the corporate culture, in 2024 as in previous years. A bowling tournament was organized to maintain high employee satisfaction and diversify sources of morale and motivation, with 7 teams over 3 rounds. The top three participants were awarded gift vouchers, and the 21st place prize, a tradition at Ones Technology, was also given out during the bowling tournament.
Ones Technology, awarded by GPTW as the Best Employer in Anatolia and the Best Workplace in the technology category, emphasizes the importance of prioritizing employee satisfaction, loyalty, and motivation above anything else.
Expressing that in-company events offer employees the opportunity to come together outside the work, have fun, and showcase different talents, Ones Technology Board Member Güçlühan Kuzyaka stated:
“We believe that such events create a more harmonious and effective working environment. They help our employees to reduce their stress levels. High-participation events like the bowling tournament not only allow us to take a break from our busy schedules and relax together but also strengthen internal communication. People have the opportunity to meet and mingle with colleagues from different departments, which increases the sharing of knowledge and experience. Unconventional awards, like the 21st place prize given at our events, have become a tradition in our activities. These awards aim to recognize the efforts and dedication of team members who experience the spirit of teamwork and unity, not just competition and success.”